От синия Дунав до белите върхове:  105 години организирано туристическо движение в Русе
Tourist Society Prista, Rousse

The project "Together for sustainable development of the Danube Islands"


Тhe project of TD Prista “Together for sustainable development of the Danube Islands”, which started on the 19-th of November 2014, is funded within the program to support NGOs in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2009-2014.




On one hand the islands have preserved extremely high biodiversity, but on the other hand their banks are full of garbage. The main change, which TD Prista aims to achieve with this project, is to make more people concerned about the problem with the pollution, to make them participate in the solution of this problem and also to raise awareness among residents of Ruse region for biodiversity and opportunities for tourism along the Danube and its islands.


By attractive activities, including travelling along the river, visiting poorly known and wild areas, meetings and discussions with various experts, TD Prista aims to attract mostly young people, which are still looking for reasons to stay in the region. The project aims to get the participants acquainted with the civil tools that can be used for solving ecological and socially significant problems.



One can find actual information for the activities on the project in Facebook.

This page is created with the financial support of the program to support NGOs in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area. All responsibility for the content of the page is the responsibility of ASSOCIATION "TOURIST ASSOCIATION - PRISTA" and under no circumstances can be assumed that this page presents the official position of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and Operator Support program NGOs in Bulgaria.
